Hospital Plan Companies

If you live in South Africa, you will know that a hospital plan is the cheaper alternative to a medical aid scheme. Now this does not mean it is not as good, it simply means that it doesn't cover everything a medical scheme covers. These things normally include GP visits, medication and everything not done in a hospital.

The thing with a medical aid is that you usually have a part you pay for that covers hospital visits. The other part is basically a savings account that covers your medication, dentist fees etc. If this savings accoun runs out of money, that part is depleted and you have to pay for the medication yourself.

If you think about it this way, you can just as well get a hospital plan and pay the extra costs out of your pocket (which you would have done anyway with a medical aid). Further, all hospital visits will be covered by a hospital plan - and some plans even pays out cash when you are in the hospital, which you can use for whatever you want. This can include medical bills or a TV, just what you like!

According to, South Africa has the following hospital plan providers:
  • Discovery
  • Clientele
  • Bonitas
  • Medihelp
  • Fedhealth
  • Momentum
  • Liberty
  • Bestmed
  • Sanlam
  • Resolution health
  • Chartis
  • Topmed
  • Selfmed
  • Medshield
  • Spectramed
  • Oxygen

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